I just got an e-mail from the White House that was sent to the press. In it they quote a slew of economists and business leaders who are all singing the praises of "the compromise".
In the email they add this quote:
Bruce Josten, Executive Vice President for Government Affairs, Chamber of Commerce
"Enacting this bipartisan framework forged by the President and Congress is one of the best steps Washington can take to eliminate the uncertainty that is preventing our employers from hiring, investing, and growing their businesses. Although the greatest way to ease uncertainty is to permanently extend all of the current tax rates,..." [Chamber of Commerce, 12/07/2010]
After the jump you can read what the same Bruce Josten had to say about the Administration in October:
Well it's a sad day and a last gasp I guess by this administration and their outside allies, and I wouldn't call the ThinkProgress blog a report Jake, I would recognize it's a liberal blog, subset of the Center for American Progress, which is run by the president's transition campaign director John Podesta, that made a lot of inferences and clearly Al Fang who is the author of that blog doesn't even understand what an American Chamber of Commerce abroad is.
It seems to me we've got an administration that in the final run up here, I guess we're about three weeks away from Election Day, surprisingly rather than run on their legislative record of the past two cycles, two years, they've stooped to name-calling and trying to somehow entice us into a partisan political debate about campaign finance funding. When they're simultaneously silent, for example, on the single largest campaign involved in the '08 elections and probably in the 2010 elections and that's and that's organized labor who itself boasted of spending $420 million in '08 to elect this current majority and the president. Three of the primary unions out of organized labor, the AFL-CIO, AFSCME and the SEIU back in May announced they were going to combined spend, just those three, $150 million to protect incumbents in this election.
This wasn't a compromise... it was a train robbery. And now the White House is proud to get approval from the same people that lied through their teeth to fight everything the candidate Obama was elected for.